Adored Beast Apothecary
Healthy Gut
Healthy Gut
What Is Healthy Gut?
This product is a 14-strain allergen-free pre and probiotic blend with the added benefits
of digestive enzymes. Healthy Gut aids in the digestion of food and supports a
healthy immune system. Helps rebalance and cultivate proper growing conditions
for friendly digestive flora destroyed by antibiotics and toxins.
Did You Know?
Large stool volume is often an indication that an animal would benefit greatly from this
product, as they may not be absorbing their food properly. Digestive enzymes allow the animal’s body to not only digest more comfortably, but also to absorb more nutrients from their meals, resulting in cost-savings and less waste.
It’s also really good for healthy dogs though!
Even dogs on raw food lack the digestive enzymes they would be getting from whole-
prey nutrition. Therefore, Healthy Gut gives the added boost they need.
Pro Tip: Healthy Gut is great for malnourished, kibble-fed, or chronically sick animals that require a dramatic boost in their nutrient absorption rate. It’s also highly effective when used with senior and rescue animals.