Xena's New Job

Xena's New Job

Hi, everyone. For those of you that haven't met me yet, my name is Xena, and I am a Great Dane. The greatest of Danes if you ask me! I get to come to work with my mama everyday and she told me that if I'm going to work, I need to have a job... so in addition to being the Product Tester, I'm now in charge of putting together a weekly blog. Good thing I have someone to proofread for me! I am obviously brand new to creating blogs and sharing my thoughts with others so please bear with me while I figure this out, but I do look forward to sharing my adventures and stories with you all! For anyone that is curious as to why I'm wear a diaper, I am going through my first heat cycle right now, so I'm sorry for being a little extra crabby when you come into the store!
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